- With the high-quality products and equipment, it offers, it increases the product life to 15-five years and makes the investment cost effective,
- Installation is simple and fast,
- Membranes have dimensional stability and with this feature, they provide long-term durability against deformation and external factors,
- The fact that the inner membrane is monolithic provides an advantage. This situation has eliminated the situation where the floor membrane and the balloon membrane are compressed with a rubber gasket as in competing products. Thus, the risk of gas leakage is eliminated.
- It has a continuous leak methane measurement mechanism to detect a possible leak in the inner membrane. With this advantage, the system is designed as a system equipped with control equipment and under control.
- It shows impermeable membrane feature for special gases. It can hold different types of gases for your process.
- Biogas storage in wastewater treatment plants,
- In biogas storage in biogas production facilities,
- Circular or flat membrane sealing on digester tanks,
- It is used in gas storage areas used on the ground in the form of capsules.